In my class, you can expect: a workout that can be adjusted to be as challenging as you’d like, with plenty of variations. The focus will be on proper technique and muscle engagement. You will be feeling every muscle you worked the next day! 

What sort of music can people expect in your class?  Upbeat and vibey music that will get you in a positive head space. 

If I was an ice cream flavor, I’d be: Different from others but refreshing and quirky.  

Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Lunch because I live for a good soup.

Bird, Cat, Dog, Goldfish, Hamster or Pot Belly Pig? We just got a Lagotto puppy, who has quickly become our entire world. 

When I’m not instructing Lagree: Taking care of my dog, trying new recipes, and traveling. 

Guilty pleasure: wine and true crime – not necessarily exclusively. 

You probably didn’t know that: I dressed as Post Malone one year for Halloween.