In my class, you can expect: To leave feeling better than you walked in. I’ll bring an intense workout, with attention to form and knowledge of how you’re working your body, and of course shakes and smiles. You can leave re-energized with a positive outlook for the day.
What sort of music can people expect in your class? Anything to get you pumped up, but mostly top 40, with lots of remixed hits and old school throwbacks.
If I was an ice cream flavor, I’d be: Lemon gelato; a little bit sweet, a little bit tart, cool and refreshing on a hot summer day.
Breakfast, lunch or dinner?: Breakfast, it’s what gets me out of bed in the morning! Eggs and avocado, oatmeal with berries, toast with almond butter…I love eating in the morning. Oh, and coffee. That’s what REALLY gets me out of bed.
Bird, Cat, Dog, Goldfish, Hamster or Pot Belly Pig? As a kid I had a bird, hamster, fish, and turtle, but my true love is dogs. Right now, I have an Australian Bernedoodle named Huckleberry…try saying that 10 times fast.
When I’m not instructing Lagree: I’m hanging with friends and family, being a typical mom driving my two girls around to activities or volunteering at school, exercising, doing communications consulting, or downhill skiing in Panorama, my favourite place on earth.
Guilty Pleasure: Online shopping. My husband jokes that I see the delivery truck guys more than him, but truly I just like finding good deals online! And I love when things show up on my doorstep.
You probably didn’t know that: I backpacked solo through 12 countries in Europe and Central and South America, before I turned 25. I still try to visit at least one new place a year, though the accommodations are usually much nicer now.