In my class, you can expect: a full-body workout that gets you out of your head and into your body. I want to inspire you to work hard, enjoy the process and come out of class feeling satisfied with all your effort.
If I was an ice-cream flavour, I’d be: Neopolitan. You get all three classics at the same time!
Breakfast, lunch or dinner: All of them, but maybe not all at the same time.
Bird, Cat, Dog, Goldfish, Hamster or Pot Belly Pig? Dog, definitely. I love being a dog mama. I have a staffy, his name is Jasper and he is the best.
When I’m not instructing Lagree: I’m probably doing something fun with my doggo, dancing Zouk, learning about the human body (I absolutely love the human body in motion) or with my partner, also doing something fun.
Guilty pleasure: Craft beer. It’s even better on a patio. In my early twenties, I used to serve at Bottlescrew Bill’s Pub and that’s where my love of craft beer started.
You probably didn’t know that: I’m an identical twin.