In my class, you can expect: The 3 S’s of Lagree – to Shake, to Sweat and to be Sore the next day! I like focusing on quick transitions and making sure that you are always challenging yourself with good form in a positive environment, so you leave my class feeling empowered!
What sort of music can people expect in your class? A mix of everything current and throwbacks with lots of energy. I’ll try to sneak in an upbeat country song every now and then too.
If I was an ice cream flavor, I’d be: I’ve tried to mix things up, but I’ll always be a Toasted Coconut girl.
Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Breakfast for Breakfast, Breakfast for Lunch and Breakfast for Dinner!
Bird, Cat, Dog, Goldfish, Hamster or Pot Belly Pig? DOGS. I love all dogs, especially doodles. My labradoodle Lambeau is almost out of his high-maintenance puppy phase and is the very best boy (most of the time).
When I’m not instructing Lagree: I’m an Oil and Gas professional, Data nerd, Wife of an extreme extrovert, Mom of 2 humans and 1 dog, Amateur potter, Team Pano Parent and I love anything active and outdoors with my family and friends.
Guilty Pleasure: Reading and bookmarking recipes in Cookbooks – I love them all and one day I’ll be able to work my way through them.
You probably didn’t know that: I was born in England and have dual citizenship – I had a British accent until the end of elementary school and when we visit family in London, it slowly creeps back.